Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

Twenty-fifteen is the start of something new!

I intend to declutter. If you've ever tried, you know that can be a daunting task. The first area I'll tackle will be my writing nook. I have lots of handwritten notes, first drafts, and manuscript wannabes to organize.

I've got characters banging to get out of my head and onto the pages. They're anxious to join my other sweet and sensual romances. So, I must be prepared to accommodate them.

Louisiana Ladies

Readers and authors, what do you have planned for the year 2015? Tell me in the comments.

Here is where I pay it forward.

Authors, any new release or upcoming release to brag about? Briefly share one title in the comments as follows:
Title/Rating/A one sentence snippet/One buy link/or Release date, if upcoming.

Ex. -
Christmas Crush/PG/Will Craig Johnston, a dynamic paraplegic, present Ashley Wagner with a gift she can't resist?/

Reminder: This is a G-rated site. Keep your book snippet G-rated.

Happy New Year 2015!

2015 Happy New Year



  1. Driving in England/PG-13/Will Susannah be able to travel to England and get the information she needs to complete her boss's family tree from the handsome and mysterious Duncan?/This book will release about January 15 from Devine Destinies Books, but you can see the gorgeous cover art now at my web site

    1. You're right, C. The cover is gorgeous. Much success with your new release.

  2. Happy New Year, Mickie. Your idea is wonderful about pay it forward. A generous offer indeed. I'm almost finished with a long short story . Will get back to your gracious self with all the requirements very soon. I couldn't resist a shout out to thank you. Best from Charmaine Gordon. My nineteen story coming up. Vanilla Heart Publishing.

    1. Gosh, Charmaine. You've been busy. Thanks for coming by. Come on back when you're ready. Happy New Year!


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