Weekenders Romance Watch
Submission guidelines checklist:
*Updated 01/2018
*Updated 01/2018
Your novel must be R-o-m-a-n-c-e.
♥Genre: Mainstream relationship-driven romance (HEA/HFN)
o Sub-genre
can be African-American, contemporary, historical, interracial, etc.
♥ PG13 or under
♥ Heat rating of sweet-to-sensual
(Ex. Usually no higher than 2 flames)
o Sweet:
o Warm: Kissy-kissy,
touchy-feely with subtle euphemisms
o Sensual: Kiss-kissy,
touchy-feely love scenes (minimal blow-by-blow description)
♥ Available for purchase
X No Young Adult
X No Erotic or Erotica
X No Erotic or Erotica
to formatting and time constraints, please adhere to instructions. You may need
to condense your blurb and/or excerpt.)
The blurb: 100 words or less.
The excerpt: 300 words or less.
Copy and paste into
the body of the email.
Send to sweetromancewriter at yahoo dot com.
Email title: Your Book's Title - Author name.
*Include: Up to three (3) buy links. (No short links.)
*Include: Up to three (3) buy links. (No short links.)
In addition, for excerpt, include up to three (3)
places where you can be found. Ex. - your website/blog, Twitter, FB, etc. *(No short links.)
Include sub-genre tags and a heat rating from those listed above.
Attach a 200x300 jpg of
your cover. See substitute cover I'll use, if necessary. (The link is your buy
Notice: Blurbs in Bloom isn't behind a content warning curtain. Please
keep that in mind when choosing your "G" excerpt.
I reserve the right to
refuse susbmissions deemed inappropriate for this site.
Please remember to check your posts
for visitor comments.
Share your showcase on social media.
Share your showcase on social media.
Email me at the above
address with any questions about this invitation.
Become a BlurbsinBloom blog follower.
Follow BlurbsinBloom and MickieSherwood on Twitter. I'll
follow you.
Thanks in advance.
Mickie Sherwood