Friday, November 16, 2012

Counterfeit Love

Counterfeit Love
Elysa Hendricks
Growing up on the mean streets of LA didn't prepare computer security investigator Maggie McCade for life in a small Midwest town - picnics, high school football games, pumpkin carving, lost puppies, and Trick or Treating. Sent to sniff out a hacker, she never expected or wanted to fall in love with her prime suspect - Jared Blake

When widower Jared Blake gave up his big city, high powered career in computers and returned to his home town to raise his daughter and teach high school math, the last thing he expected or needed was to fall in love with California girl - Maggie McCade.

Add in nosy neighbors, meddling family, amorous high school boys, a lost puppy, and a sad little girl, and anything goes.

Counterfeit Love


  1. This is a fun story! You can't help but root for Maggie and Jared.

  2. A fun-looking cover, Elysa. I like the sound of the blurb, too. Considering how important computers are in our lives, there doesn't exactly seem to be a plethora of stories about people who work in that diverse industry, so well done.

  3. Sounds like a great read. I love your cover and your premise.
    Cyber good wishes.


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